The Fandom of Community Creators.

What we may not realize, is that fandom,

Fandom can be used as a business model more often than we realize — at it's core, fandom is just simply folks with similar interests and causes coming together to pursue interests of their own accord.

According to Zoe Fraade-Blanar, author of Superfandom and professor at NYU's ITP program — even some of the ways that we actively crowdfund is based on fandom. Any kickstarter, indiegogo or crowdfunding campaign relies on tapping into your own fan communities.

Fandom can be incentivized by economics

Fandoms inherently drive spending — oftentimes, people will pay to foster that sense of belonging. From your major entertainment franchises (Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Fast and Furious, Harry Potter), to major sporting teams (New York Yankees, SF Giants, Golden Knights), to even our local trivia teams supporting breweries through being a fan of bar trivia!

In some ways — we've seen corporations and brands acquire brands or franchises based upon the pull of the larger fan community — take Disney's acquisition of Star Wars for example. The business case of fandom and fan groups largely predicts the business case for much of this latest wave of community-driven businesses.

So where does fandom and the creator economy overlap?

Fandom and the creator economy overlap because they both tap into an individuals desire for belonging and feeling included as part of their passions. The act of fandom itself is largely rooted in creation. Fandom, in itself, a verb